Meet the woman who gave birth to

Meet Nadine Reid

Hi, my name is Nadine Reid and I am the founder of I created a platform to connect with my fellow moms out there and do our best to provide them with the support they need to succeed in motherhood. The website offers advice on everything from pregnancy and childbirth to parenting and self-care. 

I know what it feels like to be a young mom since I was one myself. At the age of 19, I gave birth to my first child and I had to raise him as a single mom. I was scared and didn't know where and who to turn for help. It was during that time I realized that the available resources for young moms like me are not enough. I also realized the importance of having a safe space. So, if you're a mom and you’re reading this, we hope you'll take advantage of everything that has to offer, free of charge! 

If you have anything you want to share with us, our contact form is always available. Once submitted, one of my team will definitely reach out to you as soon as possible.